direct export

Export Your Product Directly To Vietnam Or Europe To Vietnam Or Europe

Direct export means you sell your products straight to customers abroad, without a mediator, to increase your profit margin, save time, and have better market control. However, it’s almost impossible to export directly without having a consultant who knows, and has a network of the target market. Doing it all by yourself will cost you a lot of time and money. 

With our extensive network of importers and retail chains in Vietnam and Europe, we can assist you with getting in touch with appropriate buyers, without requiring significant investment to expand your business abroad.

To Export Your Products Directly To Vietnam or Europe, Here Is How It Works

Step 1: Get To Know Your Products

To gain a true understanding, our experts will discuss your core business and your product’s value. Based on that, we will propose an appropriate market entry plan to approach the foreign market.

Step 2: Testing The Market

We will attempt to test the market via our network after evaluating the potential of your product, to determine whether it will appeal to the intended market. If not, we will thoroughly explain why. And don’t worry, we do this Free Of Charge.

Step 3: Connecting To Buyers

After going through this test, our team will start to scale up and introduce your products to numerous importers, wholesalers, and large retail chains. We will not add any cost to your products, so you can sell at manufacturing prices while still ensuring a large profit.

Step 4: Sign Contract & Shipping

After finding the right buyers for you, our team also guides you through exporting your product as simply as possible, and assists in handling regulations, tax, export requirements, paperwork, and much more in Vietnam and Europe.

Still not clear enough? Feel free to contact us to discuss our services further

Make an appointment now with one of our experts to help you export directly abroad.

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Direct Export Service (FAQ)

To keep the price competitive, we will not add any extra cost to your products, such as commission, as mediators usually do, so you will have a better chance of making a deal. VIEC will take a monthly fixed service fee, and we work as your sales representative office in Vietnam and Europe.

We are here to help businesses grow. That’s why we keep our service cost affordable, so that every business will have a chance to expand further. 

We have applied this method, not 1, not 2…but more than 20 times. So we can guarantee you, the possibility of success is very high. You can check our projects here to find out more. 

Please keep in mind, before you sign the contract, we will need to test your products via our networking channels to be sure that your products have good potential in your target market. Otherwise, we will give you feedback as to why we think it won’t work. This part is complimentary.

After your products pass our test (and we hope they do!), the project takes about 3 to 6 months to actually sell your products directly to local buyers. Of course, this is just an estimation. In reality, it can be less or more time, depending on the products and industry.

What are the differences between Indirect Export and Direct Export?

Indirect Export

Indirect export means the participation of third parties, either agents, distributors, or wholesale importers, to handle stages in the process on your behalf. 

Advantages of Indirect Export

  • None or few additional staff needed: Indirect export does not require advanced exporting experience or extra staff, as the distributors will cover that part for your company. 
  • Leveraging the distributor’s expertise and connection: Distributors will design and execute the best route for your products in foreign markets via their private connection base.   
  • Reducing financial risks: Intermediary units shoulder the majority of the risks and responsibilities associated with your company in the short term.

Disadvantages of Indirect Export

  • Higher overhead costs: Your company needs to share a percentage of the profit margin for distributors and involved parties, giving rise to low-profit margins and lower competitiveness. 
  • Reliance on partners: Your company will heavily depend on the commitment of go-betweens to navigate mediators’ overseas partners. 
  • Indirect customer contact: Your company will have difficulties in gaining valuable information about how the foreign market reacts to the products, what foreign customers want, and how products are sold to customers abroad.

Direct Export

Direct export means that the company exports their products directly to an international market, including companies that direct export through their own foreign branches. 

Advantages of direct Export

  • Better control over the export process: Your business builds stronger relationships with your customers, along with creating your own completed marketing and sale campaign to improve the overall competitiveness.
  • Improving profitability: Your company will sell directly to your targeted customers and share little profits with other parties, therefore, maintaining higher margins.
  • Reducing reliance on middlemen: Your company will respond faster to the latest trends in the target market as well as grasp in-depth information about any emerging issues. Control the market with your brand and strategy.

Disadvantages of direct Export

  • Misunderstanding of local business culture and customers: Acting solely, your company might struggle with considerable gaps in business etiquette, market insights, tastes, culture, and customer behaviour.
  • Requiring time and human resources: To make successful direct sales to the foreign market, your company needs to invest more time and staff into direct exporting activities.
  • Increasing financial risks: As a direct exporter, you have to deal with all the losses and damage that come up during the direct exporting process without an expert working with your company closely.

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